Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Numb and Empty..

hari ni I rasa macam I xde kawan..
semua kawan busy dengan aktiviti masing-masing?
terfikir jugak dalam fikiran I..
kenapa tak ade sape pon nak mesej I, nak say Hi, nk ajak I makan
 Suddenly today, (i mean  yesterday since it`s already 1.40am) I think my life were empty.
There`s no one ask me about my condition and how I feel today.
its ok  friends, I will thinking in a positive way..

          I were imagined they are saying these things to me

let me tell  u about my day
hari I bermula dengan sangat teruk..
bangun  tido sangat lambat ...(ish3.. anak dara ape la ni)
can u imagine? after solat subuh, I tido and terjaga at 12.30 pm.
and then I feel so numb and empty n kinda dumb(maybe sebab bangun lambat sangat)

My plan is not working.. I did not read any book today..
i`m suppose to be bookworm today..
 but  akhirnya I just facebooking, watching movies (my girlfriend is a gumiho) 
and the most important things, I forget about my mission..
my mission is to get all B for all papers in  this exam..
(hopefully my PNG will increased)
cane nk dapat kalau x study???!!

ok. petang tadi I buat satu perkara yang sangat n agak memalukan
 kepada my friend, of course la lelaki...
nama dye ade pada entri sebelum ni...
I calling him but
I think i`m trying to seduce him with that call...
i think so
WHY I say that i`m trying to seduce him because
 I ade tnya killer question kat dye

D.i:  adakah awak akan tinggalkan saya (in mean in a relationship term)
I*i: wah.. killer question tu.. humm.. 

luckily he didn`t answer that question.. (fuhhh, relieved)
and the reason why i`m calling him because
and i  choose him..
its kinda ridiculous..right?

i think i`m just wasting my time today..
 its ok..
 I will start being a bookworm tomorrow..

kepada kawan-kawan yang sedang  busy dengan exam..
 gud luck di ucapkan..
n dun forget.. i`ll always by your side  to support u..

p/s: 1)i`m not trying to flirt with him.. just bored
2)sila istiqamah dalam ketika study......
3) tolonglah kawal perasaan anda sendiri..
4) jangan lupa anda ada misi yang sendiri..
5) the most important: ni bukan masa bercinta!!!
 tolonglah faham D.Illyana

*sorry because there are a lot of grammar errors*


Ainur Naseeha Roslan said...

syg...jgn la sedey2..chill out ok..klau xde kwn cari tu..cube try g cari kwn..mgkn ade la sbb2 sndiri tu dyorg xcari..its gud u think positive..hehe..emm..sape die tu?? hehe..